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精品推荐 ---关金券一组

2020-06-03| 来源:互联网| 查看: 317| 评论: 0

摘要: 关金券一组关金券实际上是“海关金单位兑换券”的简称,是一种国民党统治时期缴纳关税专用的纸币,其发行以中......





Group 1

In fact, the customs money voucher is the abbreviation of "Customs Gold unit exchange voucher", which is a kind of special paper currency for paying customs duties under the rule of the Kuomintang, and its issue is in the name of the central bank. In 1929, the world gold price soared and the silver price plummeted. In order to ensure the tariff revenue, the Kuomintang government decided to collect gold coins from the customs. From 1931 to 1948, the Kuomintang government successively issued 47 kinds of Customs Gold coupons to replace the legal currency for circulation, with denominations ranging from ten to two hundred and fifty thousand yuan. On August 19, 1948, the Kuomintang government carried out the so-called "currency system reform" and announced the abolition of the legal currency and the customs money coupons, the issuance of the gold dollar coupons, and the suspension of the circulation of the customs money coupons, which were officially invalid. At that time, a batch of newly printed 10000 yuan worth of Customs coupons were invalidated before they went public. Therefore, they were rare and had a certain collection value.

In the Republic of China, the characteristics of the customs coupons, originally a kind of currency used by the Kuomintang import tariff, were issued in the name of the central bank. The vouchers have been issued by American company, denaro company, American business security company, British Huade road company, Daye printing company, Dadong Book Company Shanghai factory and Zhonghua Book Company. On August 19, 1948, the Kuomintang promulgated the order of financial and economic emergency, implemented the so-called "currency system reform", announced the abolition of the legal currency and the coupons, issued the coupons, and received the coupons at the rate of 1 coupon to 150000. The Republic of China banknotes can be regarded as the pioneer of modern banknotes in our country. They have a long time to live and have a serious sense of remembrance. The market potential is gradually being explored and the future prospects are bright. Therefore, we will guess that there will be good earnings in the future.

There are 12 different denominations in the following group, including five million yuan, five hundred thousand yuan, one million yuan, one million yuan, two yuan, one jiao and fifty thousand yuan. This group of coins is well preserved. After years of baptism, the paper money is still intact as a whole, with regular layout and meticulous engraving. It reflects the national conditions, economy and culture of the Republic of China, and has a high collection value.

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